Monday, 30 June 2014

It's all a bit fishy...

I found a great photo of a fish on pinterest and copied the shape it made in the water and then just added my own style to it. Sort of hand drawn photoshopping. I hope it doesn't mind. I promise I didn't make the fish slimmer than it already was, I just embellished it's patterns. And it didn't have large mooka style tail bits. Anyway, here is another doodle that got done during some excellent Emin calls. So, who knows what has been weaved into this one!

Monday, 16 June 2014

Zen Doodle, Zentangle Sampler

Here is a sampler I did over a period of time. Each time I was on a global Emin related call, I would, as I listened to magic unfold, keep my brain busy by drawing . This is what turned up.

Friday, 13 June 2014

Life, the Universe and Everything

This is another one I did during the weekend Seminar. Something to do with eternity, the natural laws, connection and the universe. All of which are part of the death and dying process, because all it is is one of the steps in the ongoing journey of life itself. As you move through life, you move through death. Dying is simply being born out of one vehicle into another. Simples, really...

Thursday, 12 June 2014

The Ruby Care Foundation. Taking the fear away from dying.

I was inspired to draw this whilst I was attending a weekend seminar conducted by Judith Pocock who is the founder of the Ruby Care Foundation which is a service that 'takes the fear away from dying' - i.e. all things to do with bereavement.

The seminar was amazing, life changing, attitude to death and dying changing and was simply something I am glad I didn't miss.

I guess this drawing represents life - it looks like cells, like the universe in its embryonic state, like frog spawn, like...anyway, that's how I see it. It worked out like this unintentionally...

Visit if you have any questions about death and dying, about how to cope with bereavement or just to see how some people think differently to most....